bill barr

WATCH: Bill Barr is in Stitches After President Trump Slams the Media During Press Conference

As sure as the sun will rise, President Trump is going to thrash the mainstream media in his press conferences. It gives some of us something to look forward to during these somber times. It appears this is something Bill Barr looks forward to also.

While we are all tuned in to hear the important news President Trump delivers, we look forward to seeing him destroy the mainstream media.

Today it got so ugly that Bill Barr couldn’t help but laugh when President Trump nuked the mainstream media. He’s standing next to him and literally can’t hold in the laughter.

Check it out:

You can’t blame Bill for laughing, he’s been victimized by the fake news media as much as anyone.

It’s great that even during the tough time making on COVID-19 President Trump still makes time to take on the media. He has already defeated them and will defeat this awful virus next.

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