trump campaign food donations

Trump Campaign Shows Token of Appreciation to Hospital Staff

President Trump’s presidential campaign has been delivering large amounts of food to the American heroes at hospitals across the country. The campaign has provided nourishment to the first responders handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Not only have those who received the food benefitted from this, but the food is being ordered from local restaurants. These restaurants are struggling due to the decreased business as a result of the pandemic.

The orders are being placed anonymously, as a donor.

“They’re doing it as a donor who cares,” one source told Fox News. “So nothing politically is tied to it. … We’re just trying to, you know, show a thank you.”

Another source said, “They’re trying to send things that are like, local restaurants that may need support [and] cool restaurant icons of the area that may need the business.”

Tens of thousands of dollars have been spent on this and it’s going to continue.

We’re happy to do it. Trust me,” said an Italian deli employee in Secaucus, New Jersey. This was after an anonymous order was placed for 40 platters that included pasta, salads and sandwiches.

While the pandemic is a very difficult situation, it’s great to see how people are responding to those who need help.

Chit Chat Diner took to Instagram to show off the anonymous donation that was made to the hardworking staff at Hackensack Hospital:

“An anonymous donation providing lunch to some hardworking staff at Hackensack Hospital this afternoon. We are so grateful. #njstrong #prayersforeveryone#wewillgetthroughthis #letsallbewell#stayhome  #stayhealthy

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