SHOCKING: This Single Coronavirus Policy from Cuomo Has Killed More People Than 9/11

When we were still in the early days of the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., Governor Cuomo made a decision that ultimately led to more deaths than we had on 9/11.

On March 25, 2020, Gov. Cuomo issued a policy that placed patients who were positive with COVID-19 back into nursing homes with elderly people who weren’t positive.

The policy read:

“No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19.”

Because of this policy, at least 4,813 people died.

The New York Post reported,

Two weeks ago, Gov. ­Andrew Cuomo was first asked about his policy that forced nursing homes to admit ­patients infected with the coronavirus.

“That’s a good question, I don’t know,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.

On Tuesday, Cuomo was asked about a report from the Associated Press that his team had added more than 1,700 deaths to the count of those who died in nursing homes, bringing the total to at least 4,813.

“I don’t know the details, frankly,” the governor answered, turning to an aide.

Sgt. Schultz reporting for duty!

Cuomo is legendary for micromanaging and has been praised for his detailed daily briefings during the pandemic. He has closed schools, religious services and businesses because each human life is “priceless.”

So with known nursing home deaths representing 25 percent of all deaths in the state, it beggars belief that the governor didn’t know anything about his office’s fatal policy two weeks ago or the new death totals now.

The only way either could be true is through an extreme case of plausible deniability. Thus, if there’s no proof he knew, he can’t be held responsible, right? Which was the whole point of the Sgt. Schultz defense.

That was a sitcom. This is life and death.

More than 4,300 recovering coronavirus patients were sent to New York’s already vulnerable nursing homes under a controversial state directive that was ultimately scrapped amid criticisms it was accelerating the nation’s deadliest outbreaks, according to a count by The Associated Press.

AP compiled its own tally to find out how many COVID-19 patients were discharged from hospitals to nursing homes under the March 25 directive after New York’s Health Department declined to release its internal survey conducted two weeks ago. It says it is still verifying data that was incomplete.

Whatever the full number, nursing home administrators, residents’ advocates and relatives say it has added up to a big and indefensible problem for facilities that even Gov. Andrew Cuomo — the main proponent of the policy — called “the optimum feeding ground for this virus.”

This doesn’t take a genius to figure out. Just someone who has some common sense, and a sense of right and wrong. It just happens that Cuomo has neither.

What sense does it make to send 4,300 people COVID-19 patients to nursing homes filled with the most likely people to contract and die from the virus?

Cuomo being a coward failed to take responsibility for his decision and instead blamed President Trump and the CDC.

Fox News

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