Stacey Abrams Lashes Out At White Voters and Laments Non-Citizens Who ‘No Longer Able to Elect Anyone Who Represents Them’ (VIDEO)

Why is Stacey Abrams even a name that people recognize? She is a failed candidate and an example of what not to do.

The only reason why we even know who she is is because she lost the race for Governor of Georgia and to this day, still refused to acknowledge that she lost the race.

But now, she’s supposedly one of the top names to be Joe Biden’s running mate? How does this happen? What experience does she have? Wasn’t a lack of experience one of the reasons that Democrats didn’t want Donald Trump elected?

During an interview recently with CBS This Morning, “I think the success I had in our election… positions me to be just as capable of becoming the President of the United States as anyone running. My responsibility though, is to make sure I’m running for the right reasons and at the right time.”

I’m confused about what success she’s referring to. She lost…her campaign was a failure. She lost and then refuses to admit it. In fact, she admitted the opposite.

Abrams recently showed her extreme bias in her racist remark against white people and her sympathy toward illegal immigrants living in America.

She complained that illegals no longer are “able to elect anyone who represents them.” However, I would easily argue that they do have someone who represents them. Those people are the presidents and prime ministers of their own countries!

Besides that, what is she really proposing, elect an illegal immigrant to a leadership position so they have someone to “represent” them?

Abrams also said that “In the United States today, 50% of the population under the age of 15 is communities of color. If you remove them from the calculation then what that means is you create a whiter, more Republican voting base.”

“They are now no longer able to elect anyone who represents them… This weaponization is not only intentional, it’s continuing,” she added

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