Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Chicago Mayor Defies President Trump – Sends Armed Officers to Shut Down Church

One of the most extremely liberal mayors in one of the most extremely liberal cities, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently attacked the President for demanding that states reopen churches, calling his statement foolish.

Mayor Lightfoot is against the Constitution, the right to worship God in the way he has instructed, and she is against personal liberty.

After the President’s announcement, the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Chicago opened their doors and held service. While the pastor was in the middle of his sermon, Mayor Lightfoot sent in armed police officers to shut down the service.

Courtney Lewis, the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Chicago, was in the middle of his sermon when he heard loud banging on front doors. It was the police and they were denied entry into the sanctuary according to Todd Starnes.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot had dispatched three squad cards and two unmarked cars filled with armed officers. A representative from the mayor’s office was also present.

(On a side note – I warned Americans in my new book that the left would try and shut down American churches. Click here to read “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”)

Pastor Lewis said the intent was to shut down their Sunday services. It was “like the Soviet-style KGB,” he said.

“The only thing she hasn’t done yet is beat the doors down and arrest our members,” the pastor said.

One leftist news outlet tried claiming that the President doesn’t have the authority to tell a state to reopen churches.

According to Politico,

“The president doesn’t have that power,” said Rachel Laser of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. “The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution forbids the federal government from strongarming the states. These are reckless exaggerations that are obviously aimed at pandering to his base.”

Some dismissed Trump’s rhetoric as election-year bluster not tethered to reality.

“President Trump’s statement on its face sounds more like political grandstanding than any actual enforcement of laws protecting religious freedom,” said Anthony Romero of the American Civil Liberties Union. “The states are accorded great deference and, in fact, the governors are the ones who are in the saddle on most of these judgment calls, notwithstanding the president’s thoughts and desires.”

They’ve got it backward. The truth is that state governors have zero authority to violate the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and prohibiting Christians from worshipping God.

Todd Starnes | Politico

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