Democrats and Media Team Up, Tries Dividing Trump’s Team With A Fake News

The Democrats are back at it again trying to create division in our country. Now they’re trying to split up the coronavirus task force and the President with their same old dirty tricks.

What they’re doing is trying to claim that Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Trump aren’t seeing eye to eye and that he’s ready to kick Fauci and the other doctors to the curb.

This is absolutely not true and couldn’t be any more further from the truth.

The rumor started with Rep. Ted Leui the President is losing his patience with the doctors.

Amid dire predictions for jobs and the economy, the White House is beginning to send signals to business that there’s light at the end of the tunnel — that the squeeze from nationwide social distancing won’t be endless.

  • Trump tweeted at 10 minutes to midnight: “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF. AT THE END OF THE 15 DAY PERIOD [which began a week ago, March 16], WE WILL MAKE A DECISION AS TO WHICH WAY WE WANT TO GO!”

  • Vice President Pence, who heads the White House’s Coronavirus Task Force, had signaled the change in tone earlier when he said the CDC will issue guidance today allowing people exposed to the coronavirus to return to work sooner by wearing a mask for a certain length of time.

Here’s where they are attempting to implement the divide…

Taken together, Trump’s tweet and Pence’s comment supply the strongest public signals we’ve seen that the administration is looking for ways to get people out in the world again to fire up the economy — perhaps much sooner than Dr. Fauci would like.

  • Trump is responding both to his own instincts and to messages that key outside allies have been sending for days.

  • He retweeted a number of those outside allies echoing similar stances on Monday morning.

“At the end of the 15-day period, there will likely be a serious clash between the public health experts — who will almost certainly favor a longer period of nationwide social distancing and quarantining — versus the president and his economic and political aides, who are anxious to restart the economy.”

The truth is, there is no clash and Dr. Fauci even dismissed the idea.


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