WATCH: Florida Spring Breakers, ‘If I Get Corona, I Get Corona’…Comes Back Home with Coronavirus

Every generation has its name.

There’s the Greatest Generation which is made up of those born in the early 1900s. They call them the Greatest because they lived through the Great Depression and fought in World War II.

Then there is the Silent Generation, those born between 1925 and 1945.

Then you have your Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, also known as Millennials.

Then we have Generation Z, or as I’d like to call them, the Dumbest Generation.

Generation Z cares about one thing and one thing only, themselves. Their sole purpose in life is to fulfill their own desires without any concern about anything else whatsoever.

Everyone in the world knows that we’re experiencing a worldwide pandemic with the coronavirus…but high schoolers and young college kids aren’t going to let that stop them from getting together with their buddies and complete strangers at the beach on spring break.

They can’t let a little deadly virus stop them from having their fun, getting drunk, and making bad decisions while under the influence.


Fox News 8 reported,

Five University of Tampa students are recovering after testing positive for COVID-19 during spring break, the school said.

The university said the students were traveling together and with other UT students during spring break before testing positive. The school didn’t say where they went during their break or if they lived on or off-campus.

The school did send its well wishes.

“We sincerely wish our students, and any others who may be affected, a full and rapid recovery,” UT posted on Twitter Saturday night.

The thing is, these careless kids are going to end up infected so many people due to their selfish and irrational behavior because they don’t care who they come in contact with, made out with, or did who knows what else with. Not just on spring break, but after that as well.

Florida made the right call to shut down spring break and close the beaches. These kids ruin everything.

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