What Federal Agents Forced Triple Amputee Veteran To Do Will Make You Sick

Many of you will likely remember last month when Steve Bannon was arrested after being accused of money laundering through the “We Build the Wall” initiative.

But Bannon wasn’t the only person that was arrested. There were two others, one of them being Brian Kolfage who is a triple amputee veteran and a hero for our country.

Allegedly, they are being accused of laundering money through the organization by paying themselves a salary.

The problems isn’t that they’re getting a salary, but that it was not specified that they would be doing so in their GoFundMe campaign, but Kolfage said that they made it aware to donors that they were going to be taking a salary before they actually took the initiative to do so.

Several USPIS agents from New York showed up to Kolfage’s home in Florida to arrest him in front of his family.

The worst thing about it is that they didn’t even allow him to get his prosthetic legs or arm or his wheelchair. Instead, he was forced to crawl like a dying animal to the police car so that they could take him to jail.

Kolfage claimed the feds sought to humiliate him during his Aug. 20 arrest.

He said that morning a squad of United States Postal Inspection Service agents ordered him out of bed and would not allow him to take his prosthetic limbs for the 90-minute drive to a Pensacola courthouse.

“How does a person with no legs get into a vehicle that’s not equipped for a wheelchair?” the former Air Force senior airman said. “I had to get on my butt and crawl up into it like a monkey with one arm and in the rain. My kids were watching. It was humiliating.”

In the meantime, Kolfage maintains his innocence, “There is nothing that was done wrong or illegally and when the facts come out people will see.”

Honestly, I don’t know enough of the details to have a real opinion on whether I think that they did something wrong or not, but I’m sure when all the evidence is laid out, the truth will prevail.


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