Police Officer in Tesla

City of Seattle Decides to Defund Police and Pay for the Most Ridiculous Thing Instead

As calls for defunding the police continue throughout the nation, though they are starting to fizzle out now, Seattle is taking a new approach to solving their problems.

Instead of spending money on police, they’re going to spend it on finding an alternative to policing…by paying a pimp $150,000 per year.

Technically, he’s supposedly a “former” pimp, but the city is going to pay this man, Andre Taylor to do this very thing.

According to KOMO news, “…under the terms of the year-long contract, the city will pay Taylor and his group, called Not This Time, $150,000” for their services.

“The contract was signed by a representative from the city’s Department of Neighborhoods on June 22, as the CHOP demonstrations were still unfolding. Taylor didn’t sign the contract, however, until July 27.”

In Las Vegas, Cheryl Davis admitted to being a prostitute and living in Taylor’s home, with two other women who were engaged in the same concern, one who was a teen runaway and the other who had years of experience, and is now facing felony charges in association with prostitution.

According to the Las Vegas Sunduring Taylor’s trial on pimping charges “…Davis told of bringing Taylor thousands of dollars from her prostitution activities although she got little in return.”

It was Taylor who was responsible for much of what happened in Seattle with the riots following the death of George Floyd, which took place in Minneapolis, not Seattle.

According to the Seattle Times,

Before Taylor became the city’s street czar, he was best known in Seattle for creating Not This Time, a group that connects relatives of people killed by police with local leaders to advance reforms.

Taylor led the way on Initiative 940, which promised independent investigations of police killings, among other changes, and which voters approved in 2018. He also led a mass rally in downtown Seattle on May 30 at the outset of demonstrations here over the killing by Minneapolis police of George Floyd.

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