WATCH: Is Your Phone Censoring Links About Election Fraud?

There is a full-on assault against conservatives from the tech giants, especially on social media.

Both Twitter and Facebook have become extremely forceful in what they’re doing to conservatives. They’re just barely trying to hide it.

If you’re a conservative on social media, you can no longer have any sense of freedom when it comes to sharing any sort of views, especially if the left really hates the idea.

We get it. We’re being censored in one way or another. But what if you could be censored in other ways you haven’t even thought of? What if you ARE being censored in other ways and don’t even know it?

Well, believe it or not, it seems like that’s actually happening. It looks like either cell phone providers or the cell phone companies themselves are censoring conservative links that are being sent via text messages.

A video posted to Twitter shows a woman attempting to send a URL about alleged vote fraud to an iPhone but the message going undelivered, prompting claims that phone networks are now censoring links.

“BREAKING: Messages about election fraud are being censored via text message,” claims the woman. “Here is 100% proof! GEyesgle Green apple or Verizon or all are the culprit. More testing is needed to figure out which company(s) is censoring text messages about the fraud! We have hit peak level censorship!”

The clip shows her sending normal text messages from an Android phone to an iPhone, but when she attempts to send a link about alleged vote fraud from website, the message is not delivered to the iPhone, despite the Android phone saying it had been delivered.

The woman is then able to send an edited version of the link that isn’t a direct URL to the iPhone, but when she attempts to send it back from the iPhone to the Android phone with the URL active, the message is not delivered.

Watch this:

This is exactly why we can’t afford to have Joe Biden as president because this would only worsen.

Summit News

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