Elon Musk Tests for COVID, You Won’t Believe the Results He Got Back!

Billionaire Elon Musk recently tested for COVID-19 and the results that he received were absolutely wild.

He had been feeling sick lately so he decided to get tested. Out of a total of four tests, two came back positive and two came back negative.

Here’s what Elon had to say about it,

“Something extremely bogus is going on. Was tested for covid four times today. Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD.”

He then tweeted,

“If it’s happening to me, it’s happening to others. I’m getting PCR tests from separate labs. Results will take about 24 hours.”

And he’s absolutely right. I think this is a large reason why the number of cases had skyrocketed over the last month or so; there are too many false positives.

When asked if he was feeling any symptoms, the Tesla founder said they were minor, like that of a common cold and not much else. Dr. Eugene Gu tried to offer up his own explanation.

“It matters what order you received those results. If you had the first two tests come back negative earlier in the day and then the last two tests come back positive later in the day, then it could mean you passed the threshold for detecting the coronavirus as they replicated,” Gu tweeted.

He’s not the only one either. Singer Erykah Badu said that she actually took multiple tests and her results were even stranger. She tested positive in her left nostril and negative in the other.

“No symptoms. Was tested for COVID. Same machine. Left nostril positive . Right nostril negative. Maybe they need to call Swiss Beats so they can do a versus between them. Funny thing is , Dr. ONLY reported the positive result. What the fack is goin on here. Rapid Test. $$$$ smh,” she wrote.

People with any sense about them know that the numbers that we’re seeing are not an accurate reflection of reality. There is a lot of false reporting and false positives going into the overall numbers. This is in-turn going to affect the total deaths as well.

Daily Wire

Photo Credit: TED Conference

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