REPORT: Virginia Man Blew Off His Own Hands With A Bomb Meant For “Hot Cheerleaders”

They say you learn something new every day, and I suppose that’s true.

I think what one guy learned the other day at one of the riots is that he is not a bomb maker. And I think you may learn something here as well, the definition of the word “incel”.

It’s a word that means one is “involuntarily celibate.

Basically, ‘Incels’ are a subculture of mostly men who have had a hard time ‘connecting’ with women. Most of the online culture blames women for their unfortunate situation as a result they have built entire forums where they express their anger.

You’ll understand why this is important in just a few minutes.

A Virginia man blew off his own hand in what authorities says was a failed bomb-building attempt. Cole Carini, 23, is now facing charged of lying to federal agents because he told agents that he injured his hands in a lawnmower accident. He was repeating the same story he allegedly told the hospital that amputated the remainder of his hand as well as a few fingers on his other hand.

After investigating Carini’s property, agents determined that the young man blew his hand off while building a bomb. One thing they specifically noted was that Carini’s grass was significantly overgrown and there was no evidence that the mower had been touch in quite some time.

Upon entering his home, however, agents discovered significant amounts of blood and what looked like human flesh, reports say.

According to WWBT “Agents also discovered significant quantities of what is believed to be Triacetone Triperoxide, an explosive substance used in the creation of improvised explosive devices,” a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Western District of Virginia said.

Oxygen added:

“In a shed behind Carini’s grandmother’s house—which was next door to his own home—authorities found PVC pipes, pieces of loose wires, empty chemical containers, extension cables and a pit that looked like an explosion site, according to the criminal complaint.

Investigators also found a “crumpled letter” that described attacking a stage of “hot cheerleaders” at a shopping mall.

“He decided I will not back down I will not be afraid of the consequences no matter what I will be heroic I will make a statement like Elliot Rodgers (sic) did he thought to himself,” the letter said, according to the complaint.

Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others near the campus of the University of California in Santa Barbara on May 23, 2014 by shooting, stabbing or ramming his vehicle into his victims.

He died after shooting himself, but Rodger left behind a manifesto often embraced by “incels” or those who are “involuntarily celibate.” The 141-page document described his hatred of women, which was fueled by his own virginity and lack of success with women, according to the BBC.”

I’ll say the phrase because it seems like the motto of this year…play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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