nancy pelosi chris wallace

Notable Democrats Tired of Putting Up with Unreasonable Nancy Pelosi

One thing that we’ve seen over the past few years ever since the great divide within the Democratic party is the Democrats eating themselves…figuratively, of course.

They attack one another because they can’t agree about anything. It’s like they don’t even try.

The House of Representatives is run almost entirely by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

All of the other Democrats in the House just do what she says. The only people who seem to not follow her lead fully are those members of the “Squad”.

Here we are many months into these so-called “negotiation” for the new stimulus package and here we still are with nothing happening because of Nancy Pelosi.

Just recently, a good deal was offered to her for $1.8 trillion in a compromise, and she immediately rejected it.

Her Democratic colleagues are getting sick and tired of her petty games and are calling her out on it.

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang urged Pelosi to take the deal.

Yang said, “The only thing that’s keeping us from passing it is politics,” says @AndrewYang on the latest stimulus bill. “Right now, Nancy Pelosi has maximal leverage where President Trump’s last offer of $1.8 trillion was so high that Senate Republicans didn’t like it. It’s a good deal.”

Even progressive Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who typically falls further to the left than Pelosi on most issues, urged his boss to ink the deal, suggesting that the stimulus package would make Joe Biden’s transition to power much easier if he wins in November.

“People in need can’t wait until February. 1.8 trillion is significant & more than twice Obama stimulus,” Khanna said. “It will allow Biden to start with infrastructure. Obama won in 08 by doing the right thing on TARP instead of what was expedient. Make a deal & put the ball in McConnell court.”

Daily Wire

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