Major City Sees Deadliest Day in 60 Years As Democrats Continue to Call for Defunding Police

It blows my mind sometimes to see how completely idiotic American liberals have become. They are some of the worst people in the country if not the world.

They have lost all sense of logic and coherent thinking capabilities.

It is almost unheard of that the left is actually proposing defunding the police. First, they proposed doing so in Minneapolis, but now they’re calling on the United Nations to try and make it go across the country.

These idiots actually think that the United Nations has any say over America. This is ridiculous.

Plus when you actually think about it, all of the countries in the United Nations have a police force. They’re not as idiotic in this regard as the liberals in America are and they know why it essential to have a police force.

But what are they planning on doing in lieu of police? Things are bad enough in Democratically controlled cities WITH police now. Take away the police and then they’ll get away with anything that they want.

They’re wanting to do this because one black man was killed. One. Yet they’re ignoring the fact that Chicago, which is massively liberal and Democratically controlled just had the highest murder count in a single day in 60 years.

Twenty-four people were killed and at least 61 others were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so far, which also saw widespread protests, riots and looting throughout the city in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd.

More than half of the weekend’s victims were shot on Sunday as the city reeled from violent protests Saturday night that led to hundreds of arrests and the implementation of a curfew.

Chicago Police Supt. David Brown said Monday that of the total fatal shootings over the weekend, 17 homicides occurred on Sunday alone. The Cook County medical examiner’s office confirmed 15 for Sunday, with another three at unknown locations.

The weekend’s toll surpasses the tally from the same weekend in 2019, when 52 people were wounded — 8 fatally — in citywide gun violence.

Take a look at the video below…this is what our cities look like now thanks for Antifa.


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