joe biden stumped

Biden Does Not Take Criticism Well, Melts Down During NAACP Panel Discussion (VIDEO)

Through dozens of videos over the last couple of years, we’ve seen that former Vice President Joe Biden is not a person who takes criticism very well.

Anytime Biden is confronted by someone, he gets very angry and grabs them, yells at them, insults them, or curses at them.

This became very clear recently during an NAACP panel discussion.

For all the things people have blamed President Trump for he has never once turned on the America voter, he’s never treated to get in voters face Or said he would slap them.

During an NAACP discussion, he was confronted for his 1994 crime bill, they told Biden that “you’re going to have to listen.” After being asked a question he first dodges he starts yelling and screaming, demanding he is shown a poll that supports young African Americans don’t support him.

Joe Biden also fed into the conspiracy theory that in the event he wins in November that Trump won’t leave the White House. During an appearance on “The Daily Show,” host, Trevor Noah asked, “Let me ask you this, and I know this is a strange question to ask an American politician, may be easier around the world, but have you ever considered what would happen if the election result came out as you being the winner and Trump refused to leave?”

Biden responded, “Yes, I have.”

Then there was a break in the video and people are wondering what Biden said and what was edited out.

Biden then said, “I was so d**n proud. You have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we’re not a military state. This is not who we are. I promise you, I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”

Breitbart News | Redstate

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