Los Angeles County Health Director

Los Angeles County Health Director Caught Saying She Expects Schools to Reopen ‘After Election’

On Wednesday audio surfaced featuring Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer saying K-12 schools in Los Angeles County will probably not reopen until after the election.

KFI News reporter Steve Gregory received a partial audio recording of a call between Dr. Ferrer and “a collection of school nurses, school administrators, other education and medical professionals.”

During the conversation, Ferrer said she doesn’t expect schools to reopen until the election in November has passed.

“We don’t realistically anticipate that we would be moving to either tier 2 or to reopening K-12 schools at least until after the election, in early November,” Ferrer said. “When we look at the timing of everything, it seems to us a more realistic approach to this would be to think that we’re going to be where we are now until we are done with the election.”

After hearing this Gregory reached out to the health department directly about the issue.

“I got a response back that is basically this word salad,” Gregory said. “It’s one big long paragraph of a word salad. It’s not even worth reading because all that it said was, ‘we’re reassessing all of the time, and as soon as we do the in-person learning with the high risk, high needs students, the special needs, we will reassess for everyone else.’ That was their official answer as to when the schools were going to reopen.”

“So the health department official statement does not jive with the health director,” Gregory said. “What caught my attention on this was that she said election not just once, but she says it twice.”

Maybe those of us who think this pandemic will disappear after the election are not crazy conspiracy theorists. The test positivity rate is at its lowest point since the pandemic hit Los Angeles County. Cases are down, deaths are trending downward, yet the shackles remain tight.

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