Kathy Griffin Tells Jim Acosta How to Kill President Trump, Twitter Does Nothing

Kathy Griffin is an absolute nobody. I bet most people wouldn’t even know who she was if it weren’t for her popping up in the news for being a vile woman.

She’s always making threats against the President and she just did so once again.

How many times does this need to happen before the FBI or Secret Service get involved and take some action against her because threatening the President of the United States is a serious thing.

Griffin gave CNN reporter Jim Acosta a tip on how to kill him:

CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted: Trump at diabetes event at WH: “I don’t use insulin. Should I be?”

Kathy Griffin responded by telling Acosta to kill President Trump.

“Syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick,” Griffin said in a tweet responding to Jim Acosta.

“F*** TRUMP” she added.

The Washington Examiner wrote in a tweet that linked to a news article: “[Kathy Griffin] advocates for someone to stab [President Trump] with syringe full of air. Air embolisms, caused by air getting into the bloodstream, can be fatal.”

Griffin responded: “I SURE DID, F**KER.”

A Washington Examiner reporter later wrote that Twitter told them that they would “look into” whether Griffin’s tweets violated their terms of service.

Griffin responded: “Go f**k yourself. Do you wanna tussle with me, you f**king amateur?”


I took a screenshot of this just to be safe.

Donald Jr. tweeted back a response to Griffin, “I don’t think past their prime comedians who tweet stupid things should be banned on here, but next time @twitter @jack bans a conservative for saying something not PC, just remember they have no problem with Dems making death threats against @realDonaldTrump on their platform.”

There were many people who did alert the Secret Service this time so maybe they will do something. I know they’ll at least be watching her closely.

Photo Credit: nrkbeta

The Daily Wire

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