Governor Newsom Takes Revenge Against Church That Sued Him

Some people have a hard time acknowledging it, but there is a persecution of Christians in the United States right now.

If I would have told you two years ago that within two years, Christians would be banned from worshipping God with other members of the body of Christ, you would have called me crazy.

But it’s not crazy, it’s true, and it’s all thanks to tyrannical governors, especially Governor Gavin Newsom of California.

It’s not to the degree that Christians experience persecution in other countries where they are literally losing their lives over their beliefs, but it is persecution nonetheless.

A couple of officials from the health department was sent to Our Lady of the Angels Church in Arcadia, CA and gave them a citation for holding indoor worship services while the Governor has issued orders not to do so.

This is an act of retaliation from Gov. Newsom because this is the same church that filed a lawsuit against him and 19 other state officials claiming – and rightfully so – that they have been violating their Constitutional rights.

Need we remember what the first amendment states?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The government has ZERO authority to tell any religious body that they can’t worship or how they are to worship. Period.

Paul Jonna is the attorney representing the church. He said that this wasn’t even the first time that something like this has happened.

“They sent county inspectors over to the church a few times and attempted to eject two women praying in a 500-capacity church, basically alone in the church—just praying, worshiping God and [they] were threatened with citations for being inside the church.”

“We think these orders have been unconstitutional from the beginning. It’s clear that the executive branches of these Democrat-run states, they’re using this as a massive power grab. And the tyranny is just shocking to most Americans who understand how our country was founded and designed to have three separate branches of government. We’re seeing these states being controlled and governed by one branch. The legislatures are not really providing input and the courts are just sitting by.”

Daily Wire

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