BOOM! Project Veritas Release LEAKED CNN Conference Calls

Once again, James O’Keefe and the crew at Project Veritas is hitting corruption where it hurts.

If it weren’t for these sorts of organizations, think of how much corruption would go unnoticed or unchecked.

On Monday night, Project Veritas dropped some insane videos exposing CNN.

“Hey Jeff Zucker, are you there? Hey, this is James O’Keefe. We’ve been listening to your CNN calls for basically two months, recording everything. Just wanted to ask you some questions if you have a minute. Do you still feel you’re the most trusted name in news, because I have to say from what I’ve been hearing on these phone calls, I don’t know about that and we got a lot of recordings that indicate that you’re not really that independent of a journalist.”

Zucker responded, “OK, thank you for your comments.” Then he tells everyone that they’re going to set up a new system so that these conference calls can’t be accessed anymore.

O’Keefe knew that going into this and showing that he was really on the call, but with months of conference calls totaling hundreds of hours worth of audio, he had all that he needed for this story.

“So everybody, in light of that I think what we’ll do is we’ll set up a new system and we’ll be back with you,” Zucker continued. “We’ll do the rest of the call a little bit later.”

O’Keefe then told Zucker that he was going to start releasing the recordings on Monday night.

“It’s important that we hold accountable the mainstream media. The media has to be held to account. They are hurting the American people with their lies, their innuendo, their slander, the defamation, the hyperbole and I think Mr. Zucker is shaking in his boots right now. I think he’s very afraid of what might be coming.”

There’s no telling what we’re about to hear from the mouth of the man running CNN, but I guarantee you that it won’t make their stock go up at all.

Here are the videos put out so far:

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