FAIL: Black Lives Matter Moron Shoots At Motorist, Hits Protester Instead (VIDEO)

Over the weekend in Aurora, Colorado, the Black Lives Matter protesters proved once again how terribly violent creatures they are.

Honestly, I’d like to believe that the movement is just being hijacked by a bunch of idiotic white Antifa kids, but I don’t see anyone denouncing this violence from the organization.

Protesters assembled on the interstate intentionally blocking motorists and disrupting the flow of traffic. One motorist found themselves in the middle of the crown and drove through.

Reports show that the motorist did not strike any of the protesters but at least one BLM activist was rushed to the hospital after sustaining a gunshot wound.

Fox 6 Now reported,

The Aurora Police Department said on Twitter that protesters were walking on Interstate 225 Saturday when a vehicle drove through.

Police said a protester fired a weapon, striking at least one person who was taken to a hospital in stable condition.

Authorities said the vehicle was towed and they are investigating. Protesters also broke windows to the courthouse and a fire was started in an office, police said. An unlawful assembly was declared and police ordered protesters to leave the area, authorities said.

From the video footage, it looks like the motorist was not hurt but may have lost a tire to one of the many bullets shot at the vehicle.

A conservative on Twitter shared the shocking footage adding his own caption that read:

“GUNFIRE! -Shots fired in Aurora, Colorado. A Jeep drove through a crowd that was on I-225. A protester shot some other protesters while trying to shoot the driver of the Jeep! Shooting at a vehicle that already drove by is a full on crime! LOCK EM UP!”


Can’t these fools just wake up and see that they have become that very thing that they say they hate? They are killing and harming more people than the police ever did.

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