Judge Rules Against Governor for Exceeding Authority and Violating Civil Rights with Coronavirus Orders

Our rights have been violated severely during this pandemic and the state governors and mayors seem to have no problem doing so. But action is being taken against them slowly but surely.

A judge in Illinois ruled against Governor J.B. Pritzker for exceeding his authority and violating civil rights of Illinois residents.

Governor Pritzker instituted his stay-at-home orders on April 2nd. Those orders were set to expire at the end of the month, but he decided to extend the lockdown for an additional 30 days. This infuriated many and was seen as an abuse of authority.

Therefore, Rep. Darren Bailey took action against the tyrant.

According to The Washington Times,

A judge in southern Illinois ruled Monday that Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the coronavirus exceeds his emergency authority and violates individual civil rights.

Pritzker promised “swift” action to overturn the judge’s order, which applies only to Bailey but allows other individuals and groups to challenge the movement restrictions while the highly contagious illness circulates.

The ruling came the same day House Republicans attacked Pritzker on another front, renewing demands for details on state prison inmates released early because of COVID-19 fears.

Pritzker signed an order earlier this month allowing furloughs for elderly inmates or those with health conditions, who are considered “medically vulnerable” to contracting and spreading COVID-19. Roughly 36,000 people are incarcerated in Illinois facilities and civil rights advocates have raised concerns about inmate welfare.

Gov. Pritzker was very mad about the whole thing and said, “Rep. Darren Bailey’s decision to take to the courts to try and dismantle public health directives designed to keep people safe is an insult to all Illinoisans who have been lost during this COVID-19 crisis, and it’s a danger to millions of people who may get ill because of his recklessness. It’s insulting, it’s dangerous, and people’s safety and health has now been put at risk; there may be people who contract coronavirus as a result of what Darren Bailey has done.”

“Painful as our actions might be, the question boils down to life and death. COVID-19 is responsible for denying the people of Illinois the precious moments of togetherness and steadiness of routine that have been put on pause in response to this global pandemic. History will remember those who put politics aside to come together to keep people safe. It will also remember those who so blindly devoted to ideology and the pursuit of personal celebrity that they made an enemy of science, and of reason.”

The Washington Times

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