Photo taken from video

BREAKING: Explicit Photos of Underage Girls Discovered on Biden Laptop, But That’s Not the Worst Part

Every day we learn more about everything on the Hunter Biden laptop and it gets worse every day.

In the past month alone, we’ve seen the reports of tens of thousands of emails as well as tens of thousands of explicit photos being discovered. Some of his photos are of himself and several other people.

But we also learned that the laptop contains photos of underage girls.

Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani discussed this on Newsmax TV.

Giuliani said,

“Well, here is a very, very sensitive one.  It’s a text message to his father in which he says the following.  In which he says the following, and he’s discussing his sister-in-law who for quite some time was his lover.  And he says, “She told my therapist I was sexually inappropriate.” This would be with an unnamed 14-year-old girl.  When she says I face-timed naked with the unnamed 14-year-old girl.  And the reason she can’t have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack talking Tom Girls(?) on Face time.  When she was pressed she said the unnamed 14-year-old-girl never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I created and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids.”

In my opinion, I think “Tom girls” is just a typo and it’s likely supposed to be “to girls” which would make more sense. He would walk around naked smoking crack, talking to girls on Facetime.

But what we’ve learned is that approximately one-third of all the explicit photos were of the same 14-year-old girl.

But wait, there’s more…

It wasn’t just photos of the girl, but also photo of Hunter with the girl. And to top it all off, the girl is a relative of his.

Giuliani has also said that on this laptop, there are at least 5 confessions of federal crimes and $40-$50 million that went to the Bidens as bribes.

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