Suspended CNN Legal Analyst Was Doing More Than Just Exposing Himself

You may have heard about the incident last week involving CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin when he was caught exposing himself to his colleagues during a Zoom call.

Following the incident, Toobin was suspended while things were being further investigated.

Vice reported that the New Yorker has suspended reporter Jeffrey Toobin. Sources tell VICE it’s because he exposed himself during a Zoom call last week between members of the New Yorker and WNYC radio.

“I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” he added.

Toobin’s Conde Nast email has been disabled and he has not tweeted since October 13. He did, however, appear on CNN, where he is the network’s chief legal analyst, on Saturday. “Jeff Toobin has asked for some time off while he deals with a personal issue, which we have granted,” CNN said in a statement.

But what we just learned this week is that Toobin wasn’t just exposing himself, he was actually masturbating.

Vice later went back and updates the article to reflect this.

“Both people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak freely, noted that it was unclear how much each person saw, but both said that they saw Toobin jerking off.”

There are some odd details that don’t seem to add up quite yet. I think that there are probably some details that we’re not being told about. It’s said that Toobin thought that the call was over and that he wasn’t visible, so then why did he point the camera down lower to show his penis? I can only imagine doing that for one reason only and that’s so someone could see you.

Sources also say that it appeared as though Toobin was on another video call, so then that makes me wonder if there was someone watching him from another video stream, which then takes us to the question as to whether or not he’s having an affair.

My suspicion is that Toobin was likely having an affair and he was doing this for the other party to see, but by mistake forgot to make sure the other stream ended. I don’t think that he intentionally did this in front of his colleagues.

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