BOMBSHELL! Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Has Secret Video Footage of High Profile Perpetrator

I feel like we are getting ever so close to learning much more of Jeffrey Epstein’s many heinous crimes now that Ghislaine Maxwell is in custody.

Just before 4th of July weekend, Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI and charged with several crimes, including sex trafficking. Maxwell was a girlfriend of Epstein’s for many years and has been accused of identifying and procuring girls for Epstein.

The late Epstein was infamously convicted of multiple sex crimes, and reportedly had collected blackmail material against several prominent and powerful people. Last July, he was arrested on additional sex trafficking charges. During his time in jail awaiting trial, he died, supposedly committing suicide. Massive disbelief in the officially reported cause of death led to the popularization of #EpsteinDidNotKillHimself on social media (still widely used).

Accused Jeffrey Epstein accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell allegedly has secret video footage of Britain’s Prince Andrew — and she may be willing to share it with prosecutors, a distant relative of the prince claimed in an interview published Tuesday.

Christina Oxenberg, who said she’s a former friend of Maxwell and Epstein, told The Sun that Maxwell previously boasted to her about procuring girls for the multimillionaire and explained how they would secretly record their acquaintances.

Prince Andrew, the Queen’s son, was allegedly one of Maxwell and Epstein’s friends who came under the covert surveillance, according to the report.

“He is one of many johns, all of whom were videotaped by Ghislaine,” Oxenberg claimed to The Sun.

“He is not a victim here, but Ghislaine was never his friend, she was taping him,” she added. “Friends don’t tape friends.”

Maxwell’s arrest is a source of renewed hope for many traumatized by the evil perpetrated by Epstein as well as Maxwell herself. As DailyMail reports:

“Ghislaine Maxwell will be ‘naming names’ and ‘fully co-operating’ with the FBI and Prince Andrew is among those ‘very worried’ about what she might reveal, a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein has claimed.

“Maxwell’s dramatic arrest on sex-trafficking charges yesterday has raised hopes among Epstein victims that prosecutors will untangle a ‘spider web’ of rich and powerful associates of the pair.”

If convicted on all counts, Maxwell would serve up to 35 years. However, if she does “name names”, that sentence would likely be drastically reduced, if not eliminated entirely, assuming she lives that long.

All we really need to do now is make sure that she stays alive until she has a chance to give FBI all the details that they’re looking for to take down the major names

Daily Mail | NY Post

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