What California Activists Are Demanding Now Will Blow Your Mind

Let’s just be honest with each other. These protests that are going on are not monolithic. By that, I mean that they’re not about George Floyd. Everyone has their own reason or no reason at all for their terrible behavior.

Honestly, how often do you even hear his name mentioned now that the officers have all been arrested? Not much.

Protesters have been causing havoc across the nation, destroying property and more, so of course, new activists would come forward demanding prisoners be released. Sixty protesters showed up at Governor Newsom’s home demanding the release of prisoners. They claimed Newsom is somehow responsible for the cases of COVID in the prisons. So I guess they are saying the health of criminals trumps the safety of lawful citizens…

According to the Sacramento Bee,

“The California Highway Patrol on Monday arrested 14 protesters who chained themselves together in front of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Fair Oaks home, imploring him to release prison inmates and halt transfers from prisons to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

CHP officials said the protesters were charged with trespassing and failure to leave, unlawful assembly and failure to disperse after a warning.

The protest comes as prisons, jails and ICE detention centers in the state face COVID-19 outbreaks.

“Gov. Newsom, you are responsible for the COVID crisis that’s happening in prisons and jails,” one demonstrator yelled. “You must act now to save lives.”

Four demonstrators chained themselves to Newsom’s gate in front of his driveway while 10 others chained themselves to each other in front of a sign that read, “Your actions save lives. Free them all.”

Protesters called for mass clemency for people in state prisons.”

Newsom reacted to the protest outside his home in a press conference later in the day.

“The worst thing we could do is mass release, where people are just released out to the streets and sidewalks, and end up in benches and up in parks, on the side of the road,” Newsom said. “That’s not compassion, that would be … making the problem, in fact, worse.”

Newsom’s administration is moving forward with a plan to release thousands of inmates from state prisons to curb the risk of coronavirus spreading through the facilities. On July 10, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) announced a plan to release 8,000 convicts.”

How in the world is releasing criminals back onto the street going to help with all of the chaos going on? A silly virus with a 99.97% survival rate is no reason whatsoever to allow criminals out of their cells. We’ve already seen how this turns out and it’s very bad.

The Daily Wire

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