This Is What Trump Supporters Had To Endure To Attend The Tulsa Rally (VIDEO)

As has been reported in the media, the attendance at the Trump rally in Oklahoma wasn’t as large as was expected, but now we know why.

We’ve seen now what Trump people attending the Trump rally had to endure if they wanted to see the President and it was pure evil.

Black Lives Matter protestors assaulted them, threw unknown liquid on them, and crashed the main gate to get into the rally. It got so severe that the National Guard was called into to help separate the crowd.

President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager on Sunday tweeted photos of police holding back protesters at the Oklahoma arena — doubling down on claims the crowd wasn’t as big as expected because supporters had difficulties getting into the rally.

“Sure no blocked gates @cnn. @cnn if you think families with children will push through this your [sic] sick,” Brad Parscale said in the posting. “America, this is the country @cnn is ok with, think about that. This is the main gate of the rally:”

The picture, from Saturday night’s campaign event in Tulsa’s BOK Center, showed a line of police walling off a throng of protesters at one of the arena’s gates. The snap was taken by a wire service and appeared on CNN’s own website.

Below are multiple videos showing violent Black Lives Matter protestors harass Trump supporters. What you’ll see below is what those that attended the rally had to endure entering and leaving the rally. It is unclear why Tulsa police did not create barriers to keep Trump supporters and Black Lives Matter counter-protesters separate, it’s not like they didn’t have time to prepare.

President Trump and his supporters had nothing to do George Floyd’s deaths what we are seeing now is a war being waged against the President and his supporters to scare us into not voting for him in 2020 and that is never going to happen.

“Sadly, protesters interfered with supporters, even blocking access to metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally,” campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh said before Trump took the stage.

This is liberalism for you.

NY Post

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