State of Emergency Declared in Virginia As Gun Ban is Enacted

It’s something that one would never have really expected in Virginia, but ever since the elections back in 2018 when the Democrats took over the majority, they have constantly been attacking their Second Amendment rights and putting Virginians on the defensive position.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is taking aim at not only accessories for firearms such as high capacity magazines and silencers, but they’re going after “assault rifled”, however they’re defining that.

Governor Ralph Northam has been staunchly against the Second Amendment and hasn’t tried to hide it one bit. He’s willing to go as far as going door-to-door and confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens. This would certainly cause a terrible situation because almost every single county in Virginia has taken some sort of measure to designate themselves as a sanctuary county for the Second Amendment.

But now, Gov. Northam is so worried over what will come of his stupid actions that he’s declared a state of emergency.

According to Breitbart,

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) declared a “state of emergency” Wednesday, putting in place a temporary prohibition of exercising Second Amendment rights on Capitol grounds.

This means citizens coming to the January 20, 2020, pro-Second Amendment rally in Richmond will have to disarm before taking part in the event.

On January 14, 2020, the Associated Press received a tip that Northam was going to declare a ban on firearms prior to the pro-Second Amendment rally. The AP noted that “Democrat leaders … [had already] used a special rules committee to ban guns inside the Capitol and a legislative office building,” and Northam was going to expand the ban by adding the grounds as well.

The upcoming pro-Second Amendment rally is planned by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL).

Northam made it seem like there were “credible” threats online that an armed militia would try and “storm the Capitol” but there hasn’t been any evidence of this, he’s just a coward.