Showdown In California, Sheriff Refuses to Enforce Order from Governor Newsom

I think that it has become exceedingly clear that this whole lockdown is no longer about a virus.

It’s not a coincidence that most states, if not every state, that is further enforcing lockdowns when it’s clearly not needed in their state, or where the restrictions violate basic civil rights are Democratically controlled states.

This is about controlling the population. This is essentially a test run for full-blown socialism in the U.S.

However, I think the governors and mayors are slowly learning that this is not going to happen. I mean, even in California people are standing up to Gruesome Newsom who is trying to become the first king of California.

Recently, Gov. Newsom instated a “hard close” of all beaches in Orange County, and seemingly for no reason whatsoever other than to just flex.

“People that are congregating there that weren’t practicing physical distancing that may go back to their community outside of Orange County and may not even know that they contracted the disease and now they put other people at risk, put our hospital system at risk,” said Newsom.

But the Sheriff of Orange County said that he would be defying this order.

Other sheriffs are following his lead as well, “As Sheriff, I am the protector of constitutional rights in Humboldt County,” Sheriff William Honsal said, “and if an order is issued that I believe violates our constitutional rights, I will not enforce it.”

Modoc County, California is defying Newsom as well and reopened their schools, hair salons, and restaurants since there have been no cases of the virus at all.

Sparsely populated Modoc County in California’s northeast corner plans to allow the reopening of its schools, hair salons, churches, restaurants and the county’s only movie theater Friday, becoming the first county in the state to ease out of stay-at-home orders and flout the governor’s mandate.

I’m thrilled to see that there are still some patriots in California.

Washington Times

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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