Shelley Luther Wins the War After Obama Loyalist Judge Throws Her In Jail and Fines Her

Salon a la Mode owner, Shelley Luther didn’t back down and now she is reaping the reward for her patience.

It was terrible that she had to go through this at all, but she is setting a precedent and even more importantly, she’s setting an example of what we as American’s need to be about.

As you know, Luther was forced to close her business even after reopening and defied the tyrannical government’s orders and reopened her store again. She was arrested and sentenced to serve 7 days in jail and told to pay a $7,000 fine.

A GoFund Me campaign was created to help Luther. This is what the campaign description says:

Shelley Luther is an American Hero that has decided to resist tyranny by opening her business against an unlawful State Executive Order. Her business, SALON A LA MODE offers services for hair and nails, microblading, permanent makeup, professional event makeup, braiding and more! Shelley and her team will likely face legal action, fines, and more during her journey back to freedom. She is doing what everyone else is only talking about, in a patriotic move to take back her liberty! Please support Shelley, and her employees by contributing to this worthy cause. You will not just be supporting Shelley, but you will be supporting the idea that our founders put in writing in the Constitution. 100% of all donations will go directly to Shelley Luther.

The campaign ending up raising over $500,000 in the matter of a couple of days while Luther was in jail.

She has since been released from jail as Governor Abbot amended his order to not jail people who violate the order.

Luther is a fantastic example of what patriotism should look like. In today’s climate, we must be ready to defy the government from overstepping their authority when they give unlawful orders.

I’m looking forward to seeing if the Department of Justice gets involved with this one.

Photo Credit: GoFund Me Campaign

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