Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team’s for Not Revealing Key Evidence

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has been staying busy ever since his prison sentence was commuted by President Trump earlier this year.

He has a podcast and has been on a number of shows. He is often asked about President Trump since he actually does like the President even though he’s a Democrat.

Blagojevich recently sat down for an interview on Newsmax about President Trump’s legal team and what he thinks may happen with all of this in the end.

Blagojevich is still confident that President Trump will win this battle in the long run, but only if he can make his way to the Supreme Court. I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t at this point.

“President Trump has a constitutional duty to make sure there is election integrity in our voting systems. And the voting is overwhelming. I should say the allegations of the wrongdoing is overwhelming…

The evidence will be there. They’re going to find it because of the statistical anomalies of the case as well as the unlikelihood, the improbability that you can be ahead by 800,000 votes in Pennsylvania, or a little less than that, with 63 percent of the vote in and then somehow you lose? Those things are all valid allegations that are being put out there. It will be a long road in the sense that there will be hurdles the Trump campaign will have to overcome. He’s inevitably and not unexpectedly going to lose at theloacal level in those states where Democrats control everything or we have Obama appointed judges. The path for President Trump is that he has to navigate through those thickets and get his case before the United States Supreme Court. That’s where I think he’ll prevail…

It would be wrong I think for them to fight this case exclusively in the court of public opinion. And you have to be very sensitive to the courts and respectful to the court process. If they show their cards too soon the corporate media that’s in a conspiracy to destroy Trump and destroy his presidency they’re trying to ratify what is in my belief, a corrupt election. They’re going to be all over the place trying to take away the arguments that Trump’s people have…

So it would be imprudent I think for the Trump team to do too much of this publicly.”

I do believe that the only potential hope that we have remaining at reversing the results of this past election is if there is enough evidence to take it to the Supreme Court, but what they would even do about it is definitely going to be a historical event.

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