PLEASE! Let’s Pray Adam Schiff Keeps This Promise He Made (VIDEO)

Oh, it sounds just too good to be true.

Rep. Adam Schiff who is currently chairman of the House Intelligence Committee (too bad intelligence isn’t required to site on the committee), said something that we all wish would happen.

“We may all be moving to Canada soon,” he said during a forum hosted by George Washington University on “Social Media Disinformation and Election Interference.”

Nutjob Schiff is still set of keeping the Russian hoax alive and is still claiming everything to be true that has already been proven to be false.

Schiff said that he is concerned about Russian interference on social media on the upcoming November election and hopes that big tech handles the issue. He never once mentioned China’s disinformation campaign on twitter over the coronavirus.

The House Intelligence Committee chairman said he feels, “the sense that there’s something going on at Twitter, that maybe, we’ve reached the last straw for what the management of Twitter can take, in terms of what they’re seeing how their platform is being used.”

He also said that Facebook will “need to be pulled and dragged into this era of corporate responsibility. The economic incentives are simply too powerful for continuation of the status quo.”

In other words, he’s glad Twitter is finally censoring the President and wants Facebook to do the same in order to hinder President Trump from being elected.

Schiff, also offered thoughts on Google…

“I, until proven otherwise, have the sense with respect to Google-YouTube that their strategy is to avoid the scrutiny of the other platforms and disclose as little as possible,” he said. “It’s not unlike the — although I’m sure they won’t appreciate this analogy — the president’s view that if you don’t test it, there is no virus. If they don’t discuss it, if they don’t reveal it, there is no problem, and so nothing I guess from the hearing shook those impressions, but time will tell.” 

Liberals always make these stupid claims and never do it though. I wish this November they would keep their promises and just leave the country and head to Canada.

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