New York City Has New Plan for Dealing With Homelessness

Thanks to the coronavirus, homelessness in America is very high right now.

The number was already high enough as is before the virus took hold of our nation.

I hate homelessness, because it’s a sad reminder of the fall of man and how careless we can be.

There are many reasons why people are displaced from their homes and become homeless in the first place.

Truth be told, I was homeless once when I was 18 years old. It wasn’t for a very long time, but it was homelessness nonetheless.

The reason I became homeless is because I just didn’t have anywhere to go. My parents had moved far away and allowed me to stay in my home state to finish high school. I lived with many different people while I finished high school and it finally came to the point that I had overstayed my welcome everywhere and had nowhere else to go.

Things changed and I was able to find somewhere else to stay until later when I was almost 20 I lost my job and was being evicted from my apartment and about to experience homelessness once again.

That being said, New York City has come up with a new way that they want to address homelessness in the Big Apple…by not dealing with it at all, at least not from police standpoint.

A New York City Council bill would effectively bar the New York Police Department from speaking with or “conducting any outreach” to the city’s homeless, according to the New York Post, even if a homeless individual poses a threat to residents or municipal workers.

The bill is part of the city’s efforts to change how the NYPD handles crime control and follows directly from efforts to “defund” or “disband” police departments across the country. Under the bill, officers would be barred from interacting with homeless individuals because, as one councilman claimed, “homelessness on the street or on the subway is not a crime.”

“Experiencing homelessness on the street or on the subway is not a crime,” insisted Brooklyn Councilman Stephen Levin said during an NYC City Council meeting earlier this week. “I hope that this bill will ensure that there is less harm done by limiting the involvement of police in these interactions.”

The bill notes that only city workers, specifically tasked with outreach to “unsheltered individuals” would be allowed to handle issues with those sleeping rough on NYC streets and on public transportation.

My only concern is that the homeless population would take over many areas instead of being centralized in certain particular areas. But maybe instead of throwing money away on stupid government programs, they’ll do something like address homelessness.

The Daily Wire

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