macron biden oil

Hot Mic Catches Macron Giving Biden ‘Game-Changing’ News On Oil

A hot mic caught French President Emmanuel Macron giving President Joe Biden news that only worsens the worldwide oil crisis. What made it worse was Biden failing to “appreciate the gravity” of his message.

On Monday members of the G7 nations gathered for a summit to discuss soaring energy costs as well as NATO’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. G7 members gathered in Germany, with representatives of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Japan. Macron expressed serious concern to Biden about his refusal to ramp up oil production.

Macron can be seen in the video interrupting the president in a discussion with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. “I had a call with MBZ,” Macron said, referring to United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan (MBZ).

“He told me two things,” Macron continued. “One, I’m at a maximum, maximum [production capacity]– what he claims… Second, according to MBZ, the Saudis can increase a little bit, by 150 or a little bit more, and they don’t have huge capacities at least before six months’ time.”

“The very last one is about what we do on the Russian oil,” he attempted to continue before Sullivan put a halt to the conversation, “Careful. Maybe we should just step inside … because of the cameras.”

Michael Shellenberger tweeted an explanation of the conversation between the two world leaders. He said, “Biden was counting on Arab nations to produce more oil,” before suggesting, “It appears to be a direct appeal to Biden to produce more oil.”

Energy Minister Suhail bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei took to Twitter to confirm, “In light of recent media reports, I would like to clarify that the UAE is producing near to our maximum production capacity based on its current OPEC+ production baseline (3,168 mbopd) which UAE is committed by until the end of the agreement.”

Shellenberger again Tweeted to double down on how insane it is that Biden has not ramped up U.S. oil production.

“Biden’s refusal to expand oil and gas production in the US in the midst of the worst energy crisis in 50 years was insane *before* Macron’s revelation. Now if Biden doesn’t act, he is effectively renouncing America’s standing as the leader of the free world,” the author pointed out after he had previously indicated the president, “is considering a total ban on new offshore oil & gas drilling, 6 days after delaying new on-shore O&G drilling, and 1 month after killing a 1M acre O&G lease sale in Alaska.”

“It’s as insane as it looks,” he concluded.

Even though Biden looked baffled as to how to respond to the message, gas has just rose above $115 a gallon again. He has proposed a gas tax holiday that will do next to nothing for Americans struggling at the pump.