Feds Arrest Over 600 Mexican Cartel Members Thanks to Trump

President Trump has been on a mission to combat the Mexican drug cartels and those involved in human trafficking at the Southern Border, and he’s been doing a phenomenal job.

Since the President signed an executive order which is aimed at eliminating criminal organizations like the drug cartels, border agents have arrested more than 600 individuals involved in the Mexican drug cartels.

According to The Hill,

“Project Python,” a DEA-led initiative, targeted members of Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG). According to the DEA, over the last six months federal law enforcement officials have been monitoring the activities of the accused.

The operation resulted in more than 600 arrests nationwide, 350 indictments and “significant seizures of money and drugs,” according to the agencies.

“Project Python marks the most comprehensive action to date in the Department of Justice’s campaign to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately destroy CJNG,” Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski said in a statement.

Benczkowski cited an executive order President Trump passed shortly after Trump was inaugurated in 2017 that condemned cartel operations in the U.S. and directed federal law enforcement to use the Threat Mitigation Working Group, which was put in place by the Obama administration in 2011.

Benczkowski said, “When President Trump signed an Executive Order prioritizing the dismantlement of transnational criminal organizations, the Department of Justice answered the call and took direct aim at CJNG. We deemed CJNG one of the highest-priority transnational organized crime threats we face. And with Project Python, we are delivering results in the face of that threat for the American people.”

Over 3,000 pounds of drugs that would have made their way onto the streets of America have been confiscated through the Python Project

They’ve also recovered 18 guns. To be truthful, I’m surprised it’s only that amount.

This is a massive number and it just goes to show how big of a problem that Mexican drug cartels really are. These 600 people are only a small portion of what is still out there. There must be tens of thousands of people involved in the cartels.

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