CHAZ Warlord Has Meltdown After Medics Refuse to Enter Their War Zone to Treat Shooting Victim

The almighty leader of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) or Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) or whatever they’re calling themselves now, threw a massive tantrum over the weekend after an ambulance would not enter their area.

In a video posted by Raz Simone on Instagram, he shows fire department medics waiting a block away, despite the filmer’s desperate pleas for them to respond to the scene of the shooting.

“I want to be sure that we have not been cleared to move into the scene,” an ambulance driver says into the radio. “That’s negative,” comes the response.

Police arrived at 2:26 a.m., according to the timeline, but staged at 12th and Cherry, at least seven blocks away. Video shot by Omari Salisbury, a citizen journalist with Converge Media, shows police arriving at the shooting scene in a phalanx, guns drawn, behind shields. They were met by angry, yelling protesters, who told them the victim had already been taken to the hospital.

Body camera video released by police Saturday shows yelling protesters, many using profanities and several coming right up to the marching officers, as an officer says into a bullhorn, “Please move out of the way so we can get to the victim! All we want to do is get to the victim!”

This guy is a complete idiot.

It’s not about the politics; it’s all about the threat that they pose.

Let’s step back and take a broad view of this.

A group of anarchists, terrorists, and rioters vandalize and take over a 6 block area of one of the country’s largest cities declaring it their own. They set up barricades and armed guards to keep people out. They declare that they are autonomous meaning that they are self-sufficient and claim that they are no longer a part of the United States of America.

Then someone is hurt and suddenly they want help. What happened to being autonomous?

Not to mention that Raz Simone is wanting them to come inside their territory to treat someone that they themselves shot!

Look, it’s simple. These morons are shooting themselves inside their own “peaceful” area. Why would the medics feel like they would be safe at all?

Seattle Times

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