Developing: Mueller Prosecutors On Chopping Block – Facing Criminal Referrals

House Republicans have been working in the background on an investigation surrounding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team and believe that they have found evidence that proves some of the prosecutors broke the law.

Rep. Devin Nunes and his team have found documents that were released by the FBI, including witness reports (called 302s), which contained glaring evidence that contradicts claims that the Mueller team made to the courts and Congress.

“We’re now going through these 302s, and we’re going to be making criminal referrals on the Mueller dossier team, the people that put this Mueller report together,” Nunes said.

One of the most alarming examples is an FBI interview memo describing George Papadopoulos as being helpful in trying to locate a witness named Joseph Mifsud, but Mueller’s prosecutors in court played it out like Papadopoulos was trying to hinder their efforts.

The new FBI memos provide “our first evidence of the Mueller team lying to the court. It a lie. It’s a total lie,” Nunes said, referring to the Mueller team’s claim that Papadopoulos tried to hinder efforts to locate and question Mifsud.

“I always assumed that Papadopoulos probably was helpful. I mean, he’s kind of alluded to that, that he offered to be helpful, but we had never seen the actual 302s,” Nunes said. 

Nunes remains the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee and is widely credited for exposing evidence that the FBI submitted false and misleading surveillance warrant applications targeting the Trump campaign in the Russia case.

He previously made eight criminal referrals last year against witnesses he believed were less than forthcoming during his committee’s investigation. But Nunes’ next referrals would be the first to target the Mueller team, and could force the Justice Department to investigate the special counsel team’s members or review the accuracy of Mueller’s final report.

FBI Papadopolous Interview by Conservative Collections on Scribd

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