Creepy Reporter Tries Justifying Sharing Video of 15-Year-Old Daughter Of Kellyanne Conway

A super creepy reporter from the New York Times apparently thinks it’s okay to stalk and communicate with a 15-year-old girl online.

But this isn’t just any 15-year-old girl, this is Claudia Conway, the daughter of Kellyanne Conway.

New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz’s bio claims that she writes about “technology, memes, influencers, and online culture.”

Lorenz seems to also enjoy stalking teenage daughters of Republican figures as well especially when they post their hatred for President Trump. Claudia, like her dad, George Conway does not like President Trump and has said so in her videos. The video in the post below has been marked private after Lorenz posted it.

A lot of people found that Lorenz sharing Claudia’s TikTok video was very creepy, especially because she’s only 15 and the fact that highlighting the view of a young political figures child is considered off-limits unless of course, you are trying to destroy President Trump; then the media doesn’t care.


Lorenz says it’s okay because she talked to her and because the videos were public. When will people learn that just because there is no legal repercussion for an act, that doesn’t make it right.

Could you imagine if a Fox News reporter did this to one of former President Barack Obama’s daughters while he was president?

Lorenz said that she thinks it’s great that young people are making their voices and views heard online. Personally, I don’t think it is great that their voices are heard so widely. But let me explain why.

Young people are just that, young. Therefore, they are inexperienced to the world and lack the proper discipline and knowledge to know when to speak and when to keep their mouths closed. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t mean that everyone needs to hear it. That goes for young and old.

I can still remember the things I believed when I was a teenager and they were far from correct. There is a time and a place for all things, but sometimes when you’re young especially, the world doesn’t need to hear what you have to say.


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