Comey Goes on the Attack After DOJ Drops Case Against General Flynn

Liberals are losing their minds every since the DOJ dropped the case against General Michael Flynn after the damning evidence was revealed that he was completely set up by the Obama administration.

Now Former FBI Director James Comey is upset with the DOJ, what else would you expect a Deep Stater to say?

Comey tweeted, “The DOJ has lost its way. But, career people: please stay because America needs you. The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.”

The final determination has yet to be made as the federal judge who is overseeing the case still has to make a decision even though the DOJ has moved to drop the case.

The retired Army lieutenant general for months has been trying to withdraw his plea, aided by a new attorney aggressively challenging the prosecution’s case and conduct. But the case has been plodding through the court system with no resolution ever since his original plea, even amid speculation about whether Trump himself could extend a pardon.

The DOJ move to dismiss the case would appear to put an end to that process.

Earlier Thursday, the top prosecutor on the case, Brandon Van Grack, abruptly withdrew from the case, without explanation, in a brief filing with the court.

Breadcrumbs were being dropped in the days preceding the decision that his case could be reconsidered.

If Comey wasn’t such a braindead imbecile, he would just keep his mouth shut and stay out of the public eye. But as we’ve seen in the past, when liberals are close to being caught they start running their mouth more. In fact, that’s what former President Obama has started doing now also since his time is coming soon also.

But they’re going to be coming after Comey as well because he was behind a lot of the corruption that went on with Flynn and the whole Russia investigation.

Comey had to authorize some things that he knew was not accurate or based on facts, as did Andrew McCabe; they’ll be coming after him, too. Also, now that we have the transcripts of the interviews with a number of people pertaining to the Russia investigation, there are going to be a number or indictments I believe coming soon.

Fox News

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