Portland Antifa Attacks

ANTIFA Thug Goes Viral After What He Did to His Own Grandma

An ANTIFA thug recently went viral when he ended up filing a complaint against his landlord after they checked the online database to see if he has received his stimulus check yet.

When his landlord found out that he had got his check, she demanded that he needed to pay his rent.

So cool for him right? He’s the cool ANTIFA guy who is fighting anti-fascism. Except, this isn’t just any landlord. The lawsuit he filed was against his own grandmother who is the landlord.

The ANTIFA wuss actually got support and sympathy because his landlord was making him feel “overwhelmingly violated and vulnerable”. But that was before learning that it was his grandmother.

I’m sure the other ANTIFA members still support him. If he were kicking a dead dog in the street they’d support him. That’s just their mindset.

Goodrich was demanding that his grandmother waive all rent due until the end of his lease on June 30, waive all due and past-due amounts, return his security deposit and give him an excellent rental reference. Since she did not respond to his absurd requests, he filed a lawsuit.

Goodrich tweeted that his landlord had text him hours after he received his stimulus money asking whether he planned to use it to pay rent.

However, the defendant is not only his grandmother and landlord — she is also his tax preparer.

Here is a video of him at a college even of Republicans who were hosting a conservative blogger named Michael Strickland. Goodrich was there with a bell and just kept ringing it and cursing the whole time.

But this is what these idiots do. They claim to be against fascism but they must not have any idea of what fascism really is because what they do by silencing people and inciting violence is the very definition what fascism. They are forcibly silencing those who disagree with them.

District Herald

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