Black Portland Police Officer Exposes Antifa’s Racism During Riots

In an incredibly powerful and revealing video, Portland Police Department’s Officer Jakhary Jackson exposes the racism of Antifa as they continue to riot in Portland, Oregon.

Officer Jackson gets emotional and frustrated as he describes what he has been seeing while on duty during the riots from members of Antifa.

“You have white people screaming at black officers, ‘You have the biggest nose I’ve ever seen,” said Jackson, a nine-year department vet. “You hear these things and you go, ‘Are these people, are they going to say something to this person? No.’”

Jackson, who graduated from Portland State University with a history degree, said the situation has been “actually frightening” given his own educational background.

“A lot of times, someone of color – black, Hispanic, Asian – will come up to the fence, and directly want to talk to me: ‘Hey, what do you think about George Floyd? What do you think about what happened with the police?’” Jackson said.

Then, “someone white” would walk up and start saying “eff the police” or “don’t talk to him,” Jackson recalled.

Jackson describes that one of his cousins went to attend a rally and after he saw what it was all about he left because he said “it wasn’t right.”

He continued: “I got to see folks that really do want change like the rest of us, that have been impacted by racism. And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about, that don’t even know that the tactics they’re using are the same tactics that were used against my people.”


The full video 30-minute video is below, Jackson eluded that they are aware the protestors are not from the city and that the people in the city want them gone.

Here’s the full video:

NY Post

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