Black Lives Matter Rioter Arrested After Threatening Random Drivers in Louisville, Guess Who She’s Connected To

During rioting in Louisville, KY last week, a woman was caught on video by a drone where she is seen pointing a gun as people in their vehicles.

Since the incident occurred, the man was identified and arrested.

Now, am I mistaken, or isn’t this the same bunch of people who are upset about the couple in St. Louis who pointed their guns at people who broke into private property and threatened the residents?

Take a look at the video below of the woman who was arrested for pointing the gun at people. It’s quite clear that she has no business owning the weapon by the way she handles it.

It was also learned that she has ties to George Soros.


The woman in the video is an organizer with the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. She was previously convicted of burglary in the third degree and theft of less than $10,000 and served two years at the in a County Detention Center.

In November of 2015 she was pardoned by Governor Steve Beshear, whose Soros funded son, Andy, is the current governor. The pardon restored Crandalā€™s right to vote and hold public office. And her organization is made up of affiliates who are funded by George Soros as well.

This is an excerpt of the email that LMPD Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly sent to about 1,000 officers in light of the ongoing events in Louisville

You DO NOT DESERVE to be in this position. The position that allows thugs to get in your face and yell, curse and degrade you. Throw bricks, bottles and urine on you and expect you to do nothing. It goes against EVERYTHING we were all taught in the academy. The position that if you make a mistake during one of the most stressful times in your career, the department and FBI (who arenā€™t cops and would piss their pants if they had to hold the line) go after you for civil rights violations. Your civil rights mean nothing, but the criminal has total autonomy.

We all signed up to be police officers. We knew the risks and were willing to take them, but we always assumed the city had your back. We wanted To do the right thing in the midst of an evil world to protect those who cannot protect themselves. To enforce laws that make it possible to live in a peaceful society. We as police DO NOT CARE if you are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, what you identify as…this week. We arenā€™t better than anyone. This is not an us against society, but it is good versus evil. We are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, parters, brothers, sisters, dads and moms. We are human beings with flaws, feelings and emotions.”

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