Biden and Warren

Biden Takes A Geriatric Swipe at Trump, Basically Calling Him ‘Chicken’

Joe Biden is pushing hard to keep momentum in the Democratic race so he can cinch up the nomination after a good showing on Super Tuesday.

It wasn’t a runaway vote or anything. He may be in the lead currently, but he’s far from winning it. More than likely it’s going to come down to a brokered convention.

There is actually a reason why he did as well as he did on Super Tuesday and that’s because of the geographical location of the states that were participating. You saw Bernie Sanders won in California. That’s how it’s going to go in New York, Washington, Utah, Nevada, and many other states.

Biden still has his work cut out for him.

But this is why Biden has shifted his attention toward President Trump recently. It gives them a false impression that Biden will be the one facing off against President Trump in the general election.

According to The Hill,

While making an appearance on NBC’s “Today,” Biden answered a question from host Savannah Guthrie about Trump’s claims that the Democrats are “staging a coup against” the former vice president’s main rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), after Biden’s big wins on Super Tuesday.

“Wonder why he’s saying that,” Biden at first said while laughing.

“Look, I think the one thing the president doesn’t want to do from the very beginning is face me because I will beat him. Period,” he said.

The former vice president also targeted Trump over his impeachment, saying he “even risked his presidency because he doesn’t want to face me.”

“Have you ever, ever seen a sitting president get so involved in a Democratic primary and focus so much attention on not wanting a single person, me, becoming the nominee?” he said.

I’ll guarantee that President Trump has no fears going up against a senile old man.

Trending Political News

Biden Takes A Geriatric Swipe at Trump, Basically Calling Him ‘Chicken’

Joe Biden is pushing hard to keep momentum in the Democratic race so he can cinch up the nomination after a good showing on Super Tuesday.

It wasn’t a runaway vote or anything. He may be in the lead currently, but he’s far from winning it. More than likely it’s going to come down to a brokered convention.

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