Biden Muddles Another Interview, His Cognitive Decline Can’t Be Denied Anymore

Former Vice President Joe Biden has been camping out in his basement out of fear of contracting the coronavirus.

Let’s be honest, if Biden were to contract the coronavirus, he’s in such poor shape that it’s likely that he wouldn’t even survive.

Biden recently did an interview on MSNBC with whackjob Joy Reid.

During the interview, Biden said, “We have a whole group of lawyers who are going out to every polling— every uh, voter, voter registration physician in the states— the secretaries of state, making sure that they, in fact, have a game plan as to how they’re going to allow the voting to take place.”

Take a look at the video:

Former White House Physician Dr. Ronny Jackson, who served under President Obama and President Trump has called for Biden to submit to a cognitive assessment test.

“I’m not comfortable with him being my president,” Jackson told The Kyle Olson Show earlier this month.

“I think he’s got some cognitive issues,” he continued, before adding that he’s not diagnosing the former vice president and has not examined him.

“But as a concerned American who also happens to be a physician, I’m just going to say it’s concerning to me that he sometimes is not able to complete a sentence, not really know where he’s at or what he’s doing, and we’ve seen that countless times now,” Jackson said.

Dr. Jackson said that many people have suspicions that “something’s wrong and he wouldn’t do well” on the test and that he’s “not cognitively sharp enough to be our president right now.”

Jackson said that he doesn’t believe Biden will never take the test.

“They will do everything in their power to prevent that from happening. They will not let him be examined because it’s not going to be good for him,” Jackson said.

Joe Biden doesn’t need to take a cognitive test just sit him outside and let Chris Wallace interview him like he did President Trump. Regardless of your feelings about Fox News Chris Wallace, even he admitted President Trump had the guts to sit down with him and hammered Biden for not.

“The fact is, the president is out there. He’s out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour, he took all the questions. You can like his answers or dislike them but he had answers and Joe Biden hasn’t faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn’t faced that kind of exposure,” Wallace told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Monday.

“You’ve got to feel at some point he’s going to come out from the basement … he’s gonna have to be more exposed and take questions just as tough as the ones I asked this president,” Wallace said. “He’s gonna have to do it with a bunch of people and, of course, he’s going to have those three debates with the president and you know that the president can handle himself in these debates… I think there is an open question there, can Joe Biden do the same?”

Breitbart News | Fox News

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