AOC Says For The Violence To Stop You Must Give Up Your Property Issues A Whole List Of Demands

Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a real piece of work…but that’s nothing new, is it?

Ocasio-Cortez recently did a live stream in which she sounded like a terrorist presenting a list of demands that must be met for the protest to stop. Like she has any control over them whatsoever.

During the live steam, AOC demanded “property equality,” free health care, advisory boards for police, and a whole other litany of socialist demands.

And oh, the irony that is in the video in which she mentions things like a lack of proper housing, because Minneapolis just torched a 189 unit complex with affordable housing.

AOC threatened that if these demands are not met things are going to get a whole lot worse. She also said that if you don’t agree with the demands you are involved in “social oppression.”

Her statement comes after another night of chaos from the George Flynn riots, Police casualties are increasing business owners trying to protect what’s left of their business after the pandemic are being beaten and having their livelihoods burned to the ground. Now this communists – AOC – is telling us that if we don’t give up our property and give everyone health care it’s about to get worse.

Well, we don’t negotiate with terrorists and President Trump has declared Antifa a terrorist organization.

“This is being driven by Antifa,” national security adviser Robert O’Brien told CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. “And they did it in Seattle. They have done it in Portland. They have done it in Berkeley. This is a destructive force of radical — I don’t even know if we want to call them leftists. Whatever they are, they’re — they’re militants who are coming in and burning our cities, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

There are some who are even denying that Antifa is largely behind this. Do you really think that President Trump would not want to prosecute the actual people who are behind all the violence?

Liberals are literally trying to destroy the country and not just politically anymore.

NBC News

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