WATCH: New Video Shows Dominion Employee Tampering with Computer and Using USB Drive

As silly as it sounds, people on the internet are much more capable than what we may give them credit for.

Sure, there are a lot of morons online, and I do mean a lot. But there is so much knowledge available to everyone with a computer than you can learn to do practically anything on your own now.

When it comes to investigating crimes, there are a lot of extremely capable people who aren’t “experts” in that field, but they know what they’re doing. People have collaborated online in the past and have solved cases within hours.

What I’m getting at is that a Twitter user posted a video online of what appears to be a Dominion worker using the internet and plugging in a USB drive into a laptop that was tied to the tabulators.

“A Dominion representative at Gwinnett County Election Central, responsible for tabulating ballots and certifying results, download data to a USB from the Election Management Server, plug it into a laptop, manipulate the data, then palm the USB.

He downloads data from the Election Management Server onto a USB, inserts it into the external laptop, manipulates ballot scans in the file explorer, ejects the usb, palms it, distracts the people nearby, then suspiciously walks out of the room.”

Take a look at this video:

Apparently, this person was supposed to be there, but I’m sure he wasn’t supposed to be doing this.

Now that we know Dominion staff are manipulating the vote tabulation with an insecure USB chain of command, maybe we should look closely at the staff in all Dominion central counting centers including Maricopa county.

In a document from the Maricopa County Recorder,

“The Central Counting Place will be staffed by tabulation technicians, Dominion representatives (our ballot tabulation vendor), bi-partisan Central Boards (e.g., snag, duplication, write-in tally, audit), and political party observers. The Elections Department’s Directors appoint the Central Boards, which are comprised of two members of different political parties, and are trained on their duties before assuming their positions. The Elections Departments recruiting efforts include requesting each party provide lists of nominees the Directors will consider for appointment to a Central Board.”

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