Adam Schiff Refers to Declassification as 'Cover Up'

Angry Protesters Heckle Adam Schiff, Tell Him Where He Can Go (VIDEO)

Adam Schiff is really a piece of work. He has definitely proven himself to be one of the worst individuals from Congress that we’ve ever seen in our country.

We’ve seen how he has on various occasions manufactured “evidence”, especially when it pertains to the Ukrainian phone call between Presidents Trump and Zelensky. If you’ll recall, Schiff made up his own version of the phone transcript and read it to everyone as though it were factual.

The White House counsel wasted no time in calling out Schiff on his lies and even played the video of him reading the fact transcript.

Some have suggested that maybe he was just joking, but he wasn’t. Even if he were, this is no time for joking around. This was a serious inquiry into the impeachment of the President of the United States.

But fortunately, Americans have been waking up to what’s really going on and what the Democrats’ real agenda is. They’re not buying their garbage anymore and people are calling him out on it.

Several angry protesters confronted Schiff right to his face and called him a liar and told him to move to Venezuela.

You can hear one man yelling to Schiff, “Move to Venezuela, Mr. Schiff! Comrade!”

According to Fox News,

Over three days last week, Schiff led a team of Democrats who argued that Trump abused his power by asking Ukraine’s president to investigate the Bidens and withholding $400 million in military aid, allegedly on that condition.

They also claim the president obstructed Congress by blocking witnesses and documents during the House’s impeachment inquiry last fall.

This is exactly the kind of treatment that scumbags like Schiff deserve.

In the end, I hope that the impeachment mess will result in the removal of people like Schiff, Pelosi, and Schumer through the election process.