WATCH: Transgender Health Secretary Squirm to Justify Limitless BLM Protests While Standing by COVID-19 Restrictions For Small Businesses

Dr. Rachel Levine (formerly named Richard) is the Health Secretary for Pennsylvania and the first transgender person to serve in the Pennsylvania Cabinet.

How someone like this guy can get a job having anything to do with health when he is mentally unstable is beyond my understanding. The guy thinks that he’s a woman and if you call him the wrong pronoun, he’s going to let you have it.

Once a reporter kept calling him “sir” by mistake. At least, he says it was a mistake.

The incident happened while KDKA-AM personality Marty Griffin was asking a question about what the state’s “end game” is for reopening after the coronavirus, according to the Pennsylvania Capital-Star.

A Pittsburgh City Paper transcript shows Griffin called Levine “sir” in both his initial question and follow-up, leading her to tell him “please don’t misgender me,” and that it was “really insulting.”

Griffin later apologized on Twitter and said distractions caused him to use the wrong pronouns.

Anyway, he was confronted by a reporter about the hypocrisy we’re seeing with the protests/riots and the ordering of businesses and gathering to shut down and be severely limited. We’re seeing thousands of people at these protests/riots and they’re not saying a word about COVID-19, but some businesses and churches are limited to how many people they can have at once.

“Can you clarify the administration’s position. May 11 business owners were called cowards for wanting to reopen their businesses, and today the governor is actually marching in that. Is that not in violation of your order and his order for large gatherings?” the reporter asked.

Dr. Levine responded,

“The governor has always said that people have the right to protest and to demonstrate and the right of free speech.”

“And so overall, we want large gatherings — such as maybe a party or some type of concert — to be under 250 people. But we are not restricting people’s right to protest.”

“There are obviously significant social issues, you know, that are present that people feel that they need to have a voice, and so the governor is always supportive of that and is participating in that and is participating in that.”



Photo Credit: Gov. Tom Wolf

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