Rashida Tlaib Demands $20 an hour Minimum Wage

Rashida Tlaib Asking for Lightning to Strike Her, “F— A National Day of Prayer”

Rep. Rashida Tlaib has been in the House of Representatives for just over a year now, but that’s one year way too long.

Her and the rest of the squad like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar and a skidmark on our nation’s underpants. Hopefully, she and the rest of the squad will be voted out this November and go work fast food somewhere.

Rep. Tlaib is one of the most deplorable people in Congress and I’ll give you just one recent example of what type of person she is.

Recently, we held Sunday as a National Day of Prayer. During this time our nation came together (not physically) to petition God to heal our nation following 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says, “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land,” and to help us in this trying time.

Rashida Tlaib decided though that this was stupid and instead of participating, she retweeted a post from sideshow act David Hogg who said, “F**k a National day of prayer”.

It looks like she ended up deleting the tweet, but the internet is unforgiving and the damage has already been done.

Hogg was tweeting of course in response to Ben Carson’s speaking of a day of prayer in which Carson said,

“There’s nothing wrong with godly principles no matter what your faith is. Loving your neighbor, caring about the people around you, developing your God-given talents to the utmost so that you become valuable to the people around you, having values and principles that govern your life – those are things that made America zoom to the top of the world in record time.”

“And those are the things that will keep us there too.”

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Watch: Joe Biden Announces Who He Wants As His VP, It’ll Make You Sick

At the most recent debate, Joe Biden made a bold move in mentioning who he would pick for his running mate if he gets the nomination.

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Florida Democrat Enters Rehab After Bodycam Footage Is Discovered of Meth Orgy Participation

Former candidate for Florida governor, Andrew Gillum made an announcement that he is entering into rehab to deal with his drug problem and his problem with male escorts.

Gillum, as you may know, is a Democrat as well as a CNN contributor.

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Trump Closes Canada Border to ‘Non-essential Traffic’

On Wednesday, President Trump announced that the border between the United States and Canada is closed to non-essential travel and both countries attempt to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

“We will be, by mutual consent, temporarily closing our Northern Border with Canada to non-essential traffic. Trade will not be affected. Details to follow!” Trump tweeted.

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China Threatens an EMP Attack on U.S. Ships in South China Sea

On Tuesday, the Chinese state media spoke with a panel of “experts” about their options in using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) on American ships that enter the South China Sea. 

What a wonderful time for the Community Party of China start thinking of war….a virus, possibly made in one of their labs, is ravaging across the country and they’re now worried about ships in the sea.

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