President Trump Expertly Takes Radical Portland’s District Attorney Out Of The Equation Dealing a Massive Blow to Rioters

President Trump is making some killer political moves right now. One of the best came last week.

Rioting is continuing to take place in Portland and the prosecuting attorneys keep dropping charges against the people who are committing crimes and being arrested.

I can’t imagine how aggravating that is for the police, the business owners, and residents not just in Portland, but around the country.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt flat out said that he wouldn’t prosecute protesters arrested for lesser offenses, but it looks like they’re not prosecuting much of anything.

“We continue to prioritize public safety resources in Multnomah County by focusing on the violent crimes occurring at protests and in our community, including the recent and alarming increase in gun violence this summer,” Schmidt said.

Now the Oregon State Police troopers assigned to help the police in Portland have now been cross-deputize by the federal government. This means that the US Attorney’s Office can lodge charges against those arrested by deputized troopers.

KGW’s Pat Dorris explained what this means for rioters:

“This is basically the ground changing under the feet of the protesters. because when the state police come in and are cross-deputized by the [U.S. Marshals], they’re able to make arrests under the federal law. And I’m told there is something similar to interfering with a police officer under the federal law. [Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt] will not prosecute someone for that charge, but the U.S. Attorney’s Office has been much more aggressive at holding people accountable and prosecuting for all kinds of charges. So, I think you’re going to see a lot more of that start to happen as soon as these officers arrive.”

What’s worth noting here is that Trump successfully used US government power to stop unrest without enacting the Insurrection Act.

It was a phenomenal move that took radicals out of the equation and rocked the rioters.


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