Obama Complains About Fox News Viewers

Pitiful Obama Throws Low Blow At President Trump After Getting His Feelings Hurt

Former President Barack Obama is sad. He got his little feelings hurt by the bad orange man.

Last week, President Trump ended some ludicrous fuel standards that were hurting the auto industry.

During former President Obama’s time in the White House he was pushing a mandate through the EPA that by 2025, all vehicles must reach 54 miles per gallon.

President Trump decided to do away with that and instead lowed it to 40 miles per gallon by the year 2026.

Oh poor former President Obama, he got his feelings hurt. On Tuesday President Trump ceased Obama’s ridiculous fuel standards that were crushing the auto industry.

“We are delivering on President Trump’s promise to correct the current fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a statement. The administration’s plan, he said, “strikes the right regulatory balance that protects our environment and sets reasonable targets for the auto industry.”

That was a major blow to the former president and he took it personally.

After the press release, Obama attacked President Trump hinting that he didn’t properly prepare for the Chinese coronavirus and his actions will destroy the world.

Obama wrote, “We’ve seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We can’t afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall.”

Don’t you just feel so bad for Obama? I know I don’t.

And this is coming from the man who has been attacking Trump is the same guy who decided not to replenish the stock pile of N95 masks. I would be that he did it on purpose once he found out that Donald Trump was going to be president. 

Let’s not forget what was going on during the time that the coronavirus broke out. President Trump went right to work with travel bans, while Democrats kept working to impeach the President.

LA Times | Bloomberg

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